Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Methodology Timeline

As part of our end-of-semester requirements, Erin and I have come up with a timeline for completing our project in the coming months. We have included it below, for easy reference:

12/21-1/20: Complete research and finish full draft of research paper component.
12/21-1/20: Learn necessary programs- Dreamweaver and InDesign.
12/21-1/20: Create survey for prospective MBA students, contact prospective interview subjects.
1/22-1/27: Hold focus groups for: advice on aesthetics and layout, prospective MBA students.
1/31: Finish compiling focus group results, complete list of articles and required images.
2/1: Check-in with entire committee with work that was completed over break and in the weeks following.
2/1: Begin writing articles, both features and short pieces. Begin constructing advertisements.
2/14: Have 3-4 full feature articles and 5-6 short length pieces complete.
2/28: Have first batch of photographs taken, begin retouching. Begin web mock-up.
3/8: Next check-in with committee with updated written work and first back of articles/pictures.
3/14: Have 7 full feature articles completed, 8-10 short length pieces complete. Complete wed mock-up. Continue designing advertisements.
3/31: Begin layout of magazine.
4/14: Finish all articles. Complete layout of entire magazine.
4/17: Finish revisions of all written components. Distribute completed project to readers.
4/17-4/20: Cushion time to finish anything that needs to get to readers.
4/26-5/3: Committee!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Harvard Coop Research

Brittney and I spent yesterday evening researching MBA Admissions books at the Coop in Harvard. Several of the books were super informative and all used very diverse approaches to discussing the admissions process. One of the more engaging topics covered in the book I was researching, Your MBA Game Plan, was a detailed controversy over university rankings.

We are definitely going to need to make a return visit in order to get through all of the books on the B-School admissions shelf.