Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Methodology Timeline

As part of our end-of-semester requirements, Erin and I have come up with a timeline for completing our project in the coming months. We have included it below, for easy reference:

12/21-1/20: Complete research and finish full draft of research paper component.
12/21-1/20: Learn necessary programs- Dreamweaver and InDesign.
12/21-1/20: Create survey for prospective MBA students, contact prospective interview subjects.
1/22-1/27: Hold focus groups for: advice on aesthetics and layout, prospective MBA students.
1/31: Finish compiling focus group results, complete list of articles and required images.
2/1: Check-in with entire committee with work that was completed over break and in the weeks following.
2/1: Begin writing articles, both features and short pieces. Begin constructing advertisements.
2/14: Have 3-4 full feature articles and 5-6 short length pieces complete.
2/28: Have first batch of photographs taken, begin retouching. Begin web mock-up.
3/8: Next check-in with committee with updated written work and first back of articles/pictures.
3/14: Have 7 full feature articles completed, 8-10 short length pieces complete. Complete wed mock-up. Continue designing advertisements.
3/31: Begin layout of magazine.
4/14: Finish all articles. Complete layout of entire magazine.
4/17: Finish revisions of all written components. Distribute completed project to readers.
4/17-4/20: Cushion time to finish anything that needs to get to readers.
4/26-5/3: Committee!!