Sunday, April 18, 2010

Long Days in Eaton

With the second draft due date fast approaching, Brittney and I have been spending a lot of time in Eaton. Eaton is the computer lab on campus that has the Adobe software suite we've been using (InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop). Yesterday, Brittney and I camped out in Eaton for eight hours, during which time we finished writing and laid out two articles: "Is the MBA right for you?" and "The Socially Responsible MBA". Both articles look great!!

In writing about whether to MBA is a good decision, I had time to reflect on my initial thoughts about the MBA. Growing up with parents that both have professional degrees (CA and MBA respectively), I was skewed in the prevalence and necessity of such degrees. I have realized that I don't need to get my MBA and if I do, it needs to be when the time is right, otherwise the decision can backfire on both my career progression and bank account. I really want to convey this information to my peers in this magazine, since I don't believe I was alone in my perceptions of the MBA.

Back to writing about the GMAT!

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